First Quarter 2014: New Generics Release Update
Several new generic drugs are being released this year. Here is a list of those that were released in the first quarter of 2014 :
Loestrin 24 FE – for the prevention of pregnancy;
Micardis – for Hypertension; Cardiovascular risk reduction;
Micardis HCT – for hypertension;
Rapumune Oral Tab – for prevention of organ transplant rejection;
Avelox – for bacterial infections;
Hectorol – for hyperparathyroidism;
Evisa – for Osteoporosis; Reduction in risk of invasive breast cancer;
Renvela – for Hyperphosphatemia associated with chronic kidney disease.
In April we’ll see:
Orapred – for Asthma; Atopic Dermatitis; Allergic Rhinitis;
Pennsaid – for Osteoarthritis of the knee.
Ask us or your doctor about how the generic compares to your current medication and which is right for you.
And, keep watching our site and follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more updates.