Generic drugs are supposed to be a bargain, right?
The prices of all generic drugs are increasing. And, they aren’t just increasing by a small amount — some are increasing by 6,000%. One theory is that the Obamacare mandate — that all prescription drugs must be covered — is driving up the demand for the drugs which is causing a shortage.
“According to the survey, 77% of pharmacists said they experienced 26 or more instances of a large increase in the acquisition price of a generic drug within the last six months of 2013. …In addition, a National Journal report indicates that health care and pharmaceutical consulting firm Pembroke Consulting found that within the last year more than a dozen drugs increased ten times their standard rate.”
Another speculation as to the cost increase is that fewer manufacturers are making the drugs, so there is less competition. Only three companies account for 44% of all generic drug manufacturing. Additionally, several large generic-drug makers have gotten into trouble with the FDA because of bad manufacturing practices. As a result, some key products from abroad have been banned, contributing to shortages and higher prices.
Furthermore, Obamacare stipulates a built-in cap on drug prices starting next year and manufacturers will be limited as to how much they can increase their prices in the years to come. Coincidence?
Give us a call to compare our prices to other pharmacies. We have always offered very competitive prices and in most cases are less expensive than the big box stores.
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